I am a CS PhD student at Cornell University working in the intersection of ML, CV and Graphics, advised by Prof. Bharath Hariharan and Prof. Steve Marschner. Prior to Cornell I earned my Bachelor's in Software Engineering from
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
I have worked as a research intern at Ecole
Polytechnique with Prof. Maks
Ovsjanikov. and at Univeristy of Michigan with Prof. David Fouhey on a Computer vision, Graphics and
machine learning projects.
[Oct 2021] Graduated from Addis Ababa University, bachelor of science in Software Engineering with Great distinction!
[Jun 2021] Quantifying Bird Skeletons accepted at CV4Animals Workshop In conjunction with CVPR 2021 [paper]
[Apr 2021] published a blog post on University of Michigan AI website! [blog]
[May 2020] Started working as a research intern at University of Michigan
[Dec 2019] Gave a talk on Afro-FM radio station about INSPIRE student club, AI in Ethiopia conference and the ICLR conference to be held in Addis Ababa
[Nov 2019] Organized Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's visit to Addis Ababa University [photo]
[Nov 2019] Invited Tensorflow Speaker on Devfest 2019 - Google Developer Group Addis [website]
[Oct 2019] Organized the 1st AI in Ethiopia Conference [website]
How can we separate objects in a scene without a segmentation mask? Given multi-view images and point clicks in a single view, ObjectCarver will generate a mask, propagate it to other views, reconstruct the 3D surface, and separate the individual objects in the scene.
We introduced a dataset and system for measuring skeletal traits from museum specimens, which speeds up skeleton measurement by 15x. This research helped Ecologists in their study of how global warming causes the size of birds to shrink
Research shows that people often choose dogs resembling themselves in appearance and personality, often unconsciously. Using facial recognition models, we train and evaluate a system to predict dog likelihood based on a human face.